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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 05:28 AM

Noah's cheeks were getting redder by the second. He'd given up trying to hide it. No one had been able to leave him breathless like Alai had.

Sunny quietly giggled, watching the Alai and Noah. Being pulled back into conversation was certainly going to be interesting. "We first met our Oracle when I was ten, and Noah was nine. We were in middle school, we'd stop by her place after school almost every day." She said, recalling memories she hadn't touched on in a while, "Our school was nothing much, just an attempt to get the basics of each subject to stick in our heads so we wouldn't go wandering the world not understanding what was going on."

"Sunny and I met there." Noah said, glancing at her for a moment, eyes back to Alai in an instant. "I skipped a grade, so I was in her class."

Sunny laughed, "He was always helping me with my homework. After eight hours of staring at chalkboards, I'd get a bit dyslexic." She rubbed her forehead, "Figuratively and honestly. My parents tried to get me enrolled in a private school to help with that, but I wouldn't go if Noah wasn't there."

"Our Oracle's was kind of our haven." Noah said, "She'd help us find ways to deal with our abilities and give us tips on how to use them to our advantage in certain situations. She helped us feel more normal when we were so different."

Sunny was quick to clarify a certain aspect of their abilities, "Though we haven't always been getting visions, Noah's always been able to read others' thoughts, and I've always been able to feel others' emotions."

Last edited by CADFND; 05-27-2012 at 05:33 AM..