Thread: The Robo girl
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Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and having feelings if all they do is hurt?
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 05-29-2012, 10:07 PM

In modern day New York City, a scientist had planned to make the perfect robot helper. She would clean and cook and be bale to adapt to any family. But it was never finished. The scientist was killed because others wanted his technology. But it was able to escape. Her name is eva and she now wonders around new york city alone trying to avoid her creators killers.


No other robots
No fighting out of character.
pm profile
no super human or anything like that.
must have a background

Profile skeleton


Eva (me):

Name: Eva
Age: 10 days old
Gender: Female
Bio: I do not remember much before the attack of my creator. I jsut know i must escape those who are trying to capture me. I am a little confused but my system helps me when i am stuck. I was created to be emotionless but my creator never got to fix that flaw.

Last edited by Cupcake Queen; 07-10-2012 at 07:11 AM..