Thread: nothing ATM Goodbye yo.
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Old 05-30-2012, 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. I'd rather not have to go into detail here, but I am willing to if this continues.

Your right to total privacy regarding the details of your ban ends when you begin to publicly manipulate other users into siding with you with half-truths and outright lies about the ban. That is scammy behavior and it makes the people you put in the middle feel bad & less safe here. I'll not stand by and protect you while you take advantage of people in that way.

Find another way to express your disgust for Mene that doesn't involve publicly fudging the details of your ban in ways that harm others, and we'll be OK.
I thought you might say "you know what I'm talking about" or something along those lines. When we didn't know why we were banned it was the same "you know what we are talking about" reaction. No.. I really don't know what you are talking about.

Again with this idea that I am trying to manipulate people.


just no. I mean why the hell even......

This is the same thing that happened again when I was banned. You guys thought we were scamming hummy and Liztress when I explain that was not true at all... I don't think you argued against that. You weren't clear when it came to exactly which user was "scammed" Now I'm not sure at this point.

+ We didn't manipulate Liz and Hummy... i believe they agree.

@vicky: why does me posting publicly raise an eyebrow? Up until now I kept the reasons for us being banned private because I thought there might be a chance my account at least would be unbanned. When I didn't get a reply back I decided its ok to tell everyone now.

I wanted to tell people why I was banned. That's it. Like how can i secretly benefit from this or something?

@pixorie: i'm not misleading you! + yes its ok if you comment

just ugh.. you guys.