Thread: nothing ATM Goodbye yo.
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Old 05-31-2012, 05:10 AM

I was not asking hummy or liztress to defend me! In the PMs and here I said "hummy and liztress would agree" because they would. and did. lol.

and I do not see how Liztress or hummy were mislead! Like what would you have want me to told them? Because during the time we were back on menewsha I hardly talked to any users. I wasn't involved in what you thought was Hina scamming Liztress and hummy, so what could I have said? I think youre right I should have told them more though, but I wasn't lying.

YES I know I went on Umbrella's account and accidentally took items that were previously on the savemene account. but as I explained I was only trying to take my items from Umbrella's account, not the ones from the savemene account. I had absolutely no way of knowing if two of the same items on Umbrella's account were from savemene and another from mine.

AND for the last time WE WERE NOT trying to mislead users to try to act fucking poor or anything like that. Why am I being considered scammy for something we didn't even do. Because it was stopped being discussed, I thought it was disproven/dismissed. I wish I was aware of this before so I wouldn't have to waste my breath saying the truth. I want some real evidence that we were trying to act poor. And that we were not just joking around or talking.

THE items we TOOK were given to us by friends. YES we did take the items from our friends account, BUT THEY LET US. YES its against the rules but regardless, you are trying to give an impression that we stole them out of maliciousness.

Finally, WE WERE NOT trying to hide our gold. OR ITEMS. (as I said in the PMs but apparently were not believed or considered) Since we were sharing gold, it was much easier to keep it in a trade in case either of us needed it. IT WAS PURELY out of convenience. OF COURSE we had a lot of gold and items. we are exchangers. we were saving up gold for an auction.

I WAS NOT trying to rehash this all in public. I just wanted to give basically why we were banned. Yes you guys weren't getting the full story because I didn't want to go into detail because OBVIOUSLY now NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT THE HELL i'm talking about because its a long fucking story. BUT since you said I said untruths and you gave people reason to doubt me, of course I had to defend myself.

Because I haven't lied.

NOT ONCE. To you, hummy, liztress, anyone.

You didn't consider/believe a lot of what I said in the PMs which is why you still thought I was "scammy".