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Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 06-03-2012, 03:59 AM

Italy wrapped his arms around Germany as the country started to wipe away his tears. He didn't say anything, he just stood there, hugging Ludwig like he hadn't seen him in years. Austria had always know Italy was a weakling, but he also knew he was still kind of like a child and needed affection. Austria himself couldn't supply the young man with something like that. He was to cold and though he cared about Italy, he couldn't show it very well. He knew Hungry had always been really good with Italy, but it seemed Ludwig was even better with the small, annoying country. Italy finally let go and sniffled a little, no longer crying. "C-Can I go Mr.Austria?" He asked, looking at his former master. "Yes Italy. In fact, it might be good of you went back to live with Germany. I can't take time to take care of you all the time. Besides, I don't want to have to work around what you like to eat. You're really picky." Austria lead both men out and got a carriage for them. "I don't want you walking home in the rain. It's night too." He helped Germany and Italy in. "Germany, remember that Italy had a shitty immune system. He shouldnt be out in the rain to much. He could get pneumonia."

The driver of the carriage started off towards Germany's house, and Italy gradually moved closer to Germany until he was practically ontop of him. "I didn't want to stay away. You just...seemed so disgusted with me.." He was about to start crying again, so he just shut up. As soon as he got himself together he spoke again. "He threatened to tell Romano I was mean to him if I didn't play his silly game. I don't like it when Romano gets mad at me." his voice cracked and he laid his head on the side of the carriage door. "I guess now he's mad at me anyway." He said sadly.