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ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 03:19 AM

Day 2

Your net has swiped up a Crimson Beauty Butterfly. Proceed one space forward!

Moonbeam fireflies, rare catch! Move forward three blocks. Your on your way!

You caught...nothing. You were distracted by the moon & totally missed. You're not a werewolf, are you?

Wowee! You caught a rainbow butterfly! Look at them sparkles! Move forward two blocks.

Buzz off! It seems a large bug has gotten tangled in your net! No go this time.

An Artemis' Nature Butterfly is your lovely catch! Onwards one space!!

You caught an evil fairy! It escapes and ties your shoelaces together. No progress this turn.

A low flying cloud breezes through your net, boosting you along one space!

Last edited by ObviouslyAya; 06-17-2012 at 05:01 AM..