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When life gives you melons, make melonade
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 06:28 PM

Yes! :') I made her when I was thirteen. She was perfect (which is annoying to me now) and although I would never use one like her now, I do still adore her.

Name: Cassandra Fingle (called cassie for short)

comes from an old wizarding family and is the youngest of five to go to hogwarts. she has three brothers and one sister. all of them are in gryfindor. she loves quiditch and was at teh world cup supporting ireland.

dad works as an auror (who was in the order of the pheonix as well and was a spy in teh ministry)

mum works in a small school supply shop in diagon alley

she is very good at flying a broomstick and wants to try and become a seeker. she ahs tried a few simple spells and most of tehm have worked.

she is a very funny person with a good personality. she is outgoing and playful and has loads of energy

she has shoulder length black hair and big blue eyes and is quite short and quite skinny
However, since she was part of a Harry Potter character, she wasn't completely original (as a lot of aspects were taking from the books, obviously).

My first completely original character was a pirate.

Name: Captain Calico Morgan Flint
Sidekick: a little monkey that sits on my shoulder called Jimmy
Personality: Tough as nails, Cunning, Clever, Charming, Can be indescisive, A natural born leader
Aspiration: To be named king of the sea and have a huge ship full of treasure and a loyal crew that would follow me to the end of the earth.......and back
Looks: Tall, Muscular, tanned, has a white and blue striped top, ragedy leather body warmer with big pockets and other extra wee fastenings and doo-hickies, black skinny jeans (or simmilar style trousers) big black boots, sparkling green eyes with really dark eyelashes, long wavy shiny black hair with sone random starnds tied into dreadlocks at regular intervals, a lovely hat (like captain jack sparows) and it is ribbioned with white silk
Accessories: (aka things he is never seen without) an old wooden compass that allegedly sends him to get whatever the heart desires, a small sharp shiny dagger concelled in a boot, his monkey,
other info: he is never far away from his ships and teh sea air, never shys away from a fight and longs to find his long lost lover Malia Jeniva, who was sadly kidnapped by a rival priate crew and is now supposedly roaming the sea somewhere!