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I am the kinda person that runs into a wall and apologizes.
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 02:04 AM

"I uh-" Alastair said quickly, Working his way to getting up. His legs got tangled up within the blankets. Forcing the prince of england to fall out of his bed and onto the floor with a crash. He groaned a bit, Kicking his legs from the demonic sheets that strapped his legs together. Finally getting his way out, he opened his dresser, pulling on a pair of pants. Pants at least. The girl had hopefully had not scene his nude form running to the other side of the room. He looked over towards the girl, she was against the wall.

Her question brought a bit of question to Alalstair. He had only been asked that sort of question one other time in his life. And that was durning a similar situation. One of the maid's blind daughter's walked into his room. And asked him the same thing. Suddenly the red in his cheeks went away. "I'm on the other side of the room. Give me a second." He reached towards the blanket hanging from the window and pulled it off. Becoming blind from the light. He then pulled a plain white button up shirt over his chest. With dark brown pants, it was a very simple look for a prince. He walked back over towards the blind girl.

"I'm sorry I scared you." Alastair apologized. In the back of his mind he could not believe another kingdom kept their blind child. As bad as it sounded, it was well known for kings and queens to send away their.. non perfect children. Or maybe that was just Europe... or England..

"My name is Alastair." He introduced simply. Taking her hand from the wall and giving it a small kiss over her knuckles. "Would you like me to help you downstairs?"