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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 08:08 PM

Lucator chuckled as Fiona's hands fell onto his shoulders as she said he liked her nicknames. It was true, but he wasn't going to admit that aloud to her. "I know that I can barely pull away from you... But we do need to go to class to stay in this school... Just until we graduate.." he breathed softly and then kissed her nose gently, pulling his gaze from hers was one of the hardest things he had done in a while. "I will see you at lunch..." he whispered loveingly. running his hand down her face lovingly he then slowly moved to step away, they had to seperate if only for a little while.

Lucas shook his head and nearly convulsed in pain as she kissed his shoulder. Shaking his head he looked away from hr and sighed heavily. He felt like a failor, and it rocked him to his very core. "I hope you're right." he breathed and then looked at the dress on the bed and closed his eyes. I ruined our time together... Because I wasn't strong enough... "What would you like to do now... I've kidnapped you, and have made a complete mess out of it." he asked slowly reaching out to take her hand and kissed her knuckles softly.

Vitus laughed as she was swung in a circle and kissed her Legion on those addicting lips. "Lets celebrate!" she said happily and then looked to the man she truely loved and adored. "Lets go to the village down in the valley... They have a beautiful place to eat down there." she said softly and then looking to the captin who waved them off, she giggled and walked with Legion, away from the range with her bow in hand and her quiver on her back. "I hope you didn't mind me making that arrow illision look like us... I used my knowledge about you being an Incubus and decided to put it into an arrow." she explained lightly.

Renji smiled softly hearing Asema and shook his head. "There are more opertunities out there then just that adition." he said lovingly and kissed her collar bone. "Besides, I could be a traveling doctor with you if you wanted to go touring. We could still have our dreams." he breathed lovingly and then looked into those beautiful eyes. "I love you so much, I just don't want you giving up on your dream." Renji said and then smiled at her lovingly.