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Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-20-2012, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Arc Angel View Post
Well, I hope you do, hummy.
Thank you! :hug:
Good luck to you too, if you decide to enter.

Camp Counselor;
The prizes are wonderful, but I honestly thought more people would be attracted because of them too. That, and that fact that it's a writing contest. With so many avid roleplayers on the site, I thought more would show.
Oh, wow, so it was last minute for you? I think the thread turned out well still, so you did a great job in my opinion! It's well-organized and everything, and I actually think the descriptions for the categories were pretty good.

Now worries about rambling. :)
I'll let a few friends know about this and see if they'll join, too.
Yeah it was last minute for me. I'm glad to hear that I did a good job with organizing things and setting the thread up. I was hoping that my descriptions were clear and good for the different categories.

Please do let them know. I hope they are interested in entering.