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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 04:15 AM

Loki was standing there, his hands on the back of the dust covered couch, the door of the Tavern he had left wide open. To air the place out a bit and soon he would open all the windows on the ground floor, even though that wouldn't make it easier to breath in here. Even if all the dust was cleared out, his chest would always feel tight here, his breaths always heavy. He heard the footfalls before the voice, had thought they sounded familiar but that voice. Loki's head snapped up, brought fully from his memories and to the present. Crimson eyes wide in surprise. "Regan!" Shock laced Loki's voice when he spoke that name. But he didn't seem displeased, he knew Luce hadn't told Regan where he'd gone, even though he was sure Luce had known. Luce always knew.

The wolf moved towards the vampire, and stopped. There was a scent about Regan, a strange, unfamiliar scent that clung to his vampire. Loki was moving again, pulling the vampire into his arms, wrapping those arms tight around Regan, and nuzzling his neck. Inhaling deeply all the scents that clung to him, all the while he watched the door behind his vampire. Crimson eyes that were almost angry, watched that door for any sign of the owner of the scent that clung to Regan. "Why didn't you just wait for me?" It was a simple question, and Loki placed a light kiss on Regan's neck as he asked it. He kept his arms around the vampire, as if not quite ready to let go yet.

Regan had just run ahead. Was the vampire finally abandoning him now? Amadeo growled lightly in annoyance and kept going. But that expression on the vampire's face, what did that mean? Regan never smiled like that. Regan was a very sad vampire, and one that Amadeo had come to trust. Although very reluctantly at first. The demon's long tail twitched and swayed behind him as he came upon the building, moving at a brisk walk. He didn't run after Regan, if that vampire was trying to be rid of him, then so be it. Amadeo expected he'd be thrown away eventually, he just figured it would be a long while before that happened.

He hesitated, the scents of dust and wolf came to his nose as he stepped onto the porch. The white haired demon frowned slightly, but slowly continued up the porch and to the doors. There he stopped. A wolf demon was hugging Regan tightly, and watching the door fiercely. Was this the infamous Loki he heard so much about? It had to be. Suddenly Amadeo realized his scent must be all over Regan, and Regan's was probably all over him. Wolves were territorial creatures, so were demons. Regan was this demons mate. Amadeo swallowed hard, and took a slight step back. He just saw murder flash in that wolf's crimson eyes.