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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 08:22 AM

Amadeo looked down at his hand over his heart, at the hand the stranger placed there. Questioningly that gaze turned to the man, but the man was standing with his eyes closed and a hand over his own heart. Then those eyes opened, and Amadeo felt a chill move into him. He looked down at his chest, at the hands there again as that gentle chill seemed to ease his heart. Slowed it, and that seemed to relax Amadeo some. When the stranger withdrew his hand, Amadeo let his own fall to his sides. His eyes on the stranger.

"You're a strange creature." It wasn't an insult, or a compliment, just an observation. But the demon was grateful for that chill that had calmed his heart. More grateful than this stranger would probably ever know. At the mention of the night fading, Amadeo glanced up at the sky for only a moment, and shrugged. "Well, I guess I'll hurry then." He flashed a slight smile at the stranger, and started towards the tavern. He had only taken a few steps before he stopped to look at the strange man. "..I'm called Amadeo. Will you walk with me?"