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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 09:51 PM

"No..not in this place.." Loki was so angry, but there was hurt in him too. Most of the hurt though had nothing to do with Regan sleeping with someone else. It was this falling down place, it hurt so much just to be here. It was a sacred place to Loki, and it hurt more that Regan wanted to bring his Loki-replacement into this place. That was one thing the wolf would not stand for, at all. Not here, not in this place. "I don't care if you seduced him or he seduced you. Whatever, however it happened. He's not welcome in this place." Regan's hold had tightened, and he'd probably be bruised later, but that didn't matter. And there it was, those words, the last words told Loki everything. Regan didn't understand anything. The vampire was walking out the door as the wolf sighed. "I'm not strong at all." Then louder to make sure the vampire heard him. "You should have waited at Red Rose. Why couldn't you wait?"

He might have said more, but now there was a woman in front him. The already angry, irritated wolf was only getting more irritated by her. "I make his heart fill with pain? Me? I took him for my mate, him and only him and he's already slept with other people. But of course, somehow I'm the bad guy." He was snarling a bit, but he wouldn't threaten or hurt the girl. "Mind your own business, girl." Then Loki pushed past her to come up behind Regan. His arms snaked around the vampire's waist and he held Regan close, nuzzling the side of his neck, inhaling deeply. Taking in the vampire's scent. "I would've come back for you. I'd always come back for you." He lifted his eyes, to watch as Amadeo approached with another person.

A necromancer. Well, Amadeo felt that was a sufficient enough reason for why this man seemed so odd and worn. Maybe. At least now he also knew this man's name. Adax. It sounded a little strange in his own ears, but people often had strange names. Amadeo did seem a lot more relaxed as he moved to catch up with Adax. His eyes on the path as he moved for a few moments, and then lifting up to watch the building as they approached it. Regan was on the porch now, no doubt worrying for him. Probably. Amadeo's feet faltered when the wolf demon stepped out behind Regan. A shiver of fear ran right through him, he could feel those red eyes on him. He could just tell that wolf was still angry, still upset. Was that man really going to kill him?

Amadeo stepped a little closer to Adax, perhaps it was an unconscious movement, but it did make him feel a little better. Even if he didn't really think Adax would protect him from the wolf demon's fury, besides, why should the necromancer? They hardly knew each other anyway. Regan might try to protect him, or had he dragged Amadeo here just so Loki could kill him? Regan was a vampire, but Amadeo had finally thought he could actually trust at least that one vampire. Now he wasn't so certain.