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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 06-24-2012, 05:43 PM

~1~ What did you think of the event in general?
Well thought out and fun.

~2~ What did you think of the hostess' sticky games and contests? Which did you participate in and which would you have liked to but didn't have the time for? What were your favorite sticky threads (whether you participated or not)?

~3~ Is there a game or contest that has been ran at a past user-ran event that you missed? Any game that you'd like to see us play in the future?
Not that I can think of I don't normally play in user ran events.

I played the Water balloon game he most I think. I also like the Archery and butterfly catching. I also entered the art contest. XD

~4~ What did you think of the event theme and colors this year?
Worked for me. :D

~5~ What improvements (aside from those that would require staff running things) would you suggest we make to make the event run more smoothly next time?

~6~ What would you say the "highlight" of the event was for you? Feel free to share multiple highlights. XD
The people and interaction with the community.

~7~ Any further thoughts on the Summer Camp event?
I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the themes.