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Psychobeautyfantasy is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 06:14 AM

Freckles rubbed the back of his neck and laughed. "Of course you care about me, I am just great like that. Now, I think we need to get going. The show is about to start, and I need to know who is going to be doing what in this show tonight. This is not all I am expecting so far. The bulletin board said we'd be getting several new acts. Come on, then!" He gave a wide smile and went out this time, luckily, through the door and looked around. Well, he had been right there were several new people there... oh dear god. Was it him? Yes, that was Damien. This would end up with an interesting non-conversation. Freckles hid behind Dusk. Damien a great act, but scary. He whispered up to Dusk, still crouching behind him, "Hide me, Snowball!" He was not going to give up on his nicknames.

Bunny put her hand up to her mouth and giggled just watching Jack. "Thank you! I am so happy for that. I love your feathers, they are very pretty." Bunny looked down and then her hands were tugging at her dress slightly. She gave a big smile to the new girl. "My brother Freckles made Teddy for me, along with the rest of the animals around here. He knows I love my dolls. I am glad that teddy really likes you. I think you should go talk to him if you want to know more. My name is Bunny, what is yours?" She patted Teddy's head, then looked up at the tall guy. "Hello, Damien! How long are you going to be with us?" She tilted her head.
Damien shook his head and the girl still kept rambling even after his stripping comment, which usually shut people up. Great, it was one of those types, he could already tell that it wouldn't be shutting up soon. He had found over the years the best option was to get it back to its owner before it thought that he was its mommy. Then he was royally screwed. He grabbed the back of its shirt and dragged it inside dumping it in the first group of people he saw to distract the girl. He stood there looking at them and around. Damien did not like the circus at all. The pink haired girl spoke to him and he looked at her for a moment before answering. "I have no idea how long I will be here. I already know what I must do." It was odd to see the girl without her brother. He must be some where around. Of course he was hiding behind some other guy as if he could not be seen. Damien gave a small smirk. He was not surprised that he wasn't liked that much. Last time he had been there was not a time they talked about. In fact he could tell they do not talk about the last circus, or associate with the outside world much. "Well, good, where is the tailor. I really hope the outfit is nothing like last time."