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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 01:35 AM

(x.x sorry!)
Eclipse blushed slightly and moved to him. "I'm so sorry, I did not mean to harm you" he says and gets a towel to help him wipe his lap off. "I will get your robe cleaned" he says and picks them up. He felt so foolish now, he had caused him to be hurt slightly and was now mentally kicking himself.

Cheshire swayed his tail lightly. "Calm down is only words. I did not act on them at all" he says. "If I did then I would have overstepped a bit" he smiles. He moved a bit to turn. He smiles a bit and looks her over. "It is alright to be angered, but there is no need to worry. If it bugs you so much I will keep my opinions to myself."