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Dead Account Holder
NatanielD is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 06:23 PM

The tear was slow when it made its way down her cheek. Danil’s eyes followed the droplet’s movement as it disappeared over the curve of her jaw.

His hand, poised inches from her face, stilled.

So much suffering. Danil could never imagine living a life such as hers. He would never want to. She’d be better off dead.

The knife was warming in his gloved hand. As fast as he could Danil grabbed the princess, turned her onto her back, and climbed atop her body. His knees pinned her arms and his hand flew to her mouth, covering it completely.

He held the knife steady against her throat. The blade pressed into her flesh. Its softness was nothing to the sharp edge of his weapon. One swipe was all it would take. One flick of his wrist, one jerk. She would bleed out. She would die. He would save his land and conquers hers while she rested in a tomb beneath the ground, alongside her dear daddy.

For the first time a tug pulled at his stomach. It reminded him of one of his earlier missions. His mind screamed, “Don’t do it! Don’t!” He had taken the life of a child back then. A small girl, just like this princess, who hardly said a word when he cut her throat. Would this female be the same? Would she only squeak and flutter her eyes while they rolled into the back of her head? Would she be quiet and slow, like all the rest?

He pressed down on her harder. The knife cut into her skin and crimson lightly drizzled out. He had to kill her. This was the only way. His kingdom, his king, his family. He had to. She was worth nothing alive.

The tug continued.

His father’s voice whispered in his ear, “Never do a task your conscience disagrees with. Think in ten second increments. Decide for the moment, not the future.”

The moment. Murdering the princess. The future. Murdering her father.

Think in ten second increments.

Danil pulled the knife back.