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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-14-2012, 08:44 PM

He was sputtering at an awful rate, no one liked to be caught in a lie, especially when one could not back down from. It wasn’t like she hadn’t already known what the true problem was, or at least the gist of what the problem was. She looked down at the contract and slowly read over the changes, taking her time. She didn’t know why but the fact that she was making the man across from her sweat a little gave her a certain sense of power over the situation. After a long moment, a good five minutes she took the black ink fountain pen that was sitting on the desk next to the paperwork.

There had been a copy of Vincent’s signature in the instructions which she had spent the earliest part of the morning practicing. She placed the pen to the paper and signed with the intricate flair to the pen she noticed the man used. It wasn’t a perfect match by any means, something she was sure she would get right over time, but it had been close enough that no one except those looking to detect a forgery would notice. After she sighed the paperwork she tipped her hat and then said, “Good day to you Mr. Clestorn,” and without waiting for another word she left the office. Downstairs she noticed June looked slightly calmer but was still a total mess. Blaire merely bid her farewell and left the building.

When she exited the building she figured it to be roughly six o’clock, she wagered she had roughly 3-4 hours before she had to meet with Mr. Maroni. She went back to the hotel and took that time to take a couple hours nap, figuring she was probably going to be out late that night. So it was roughly 8:30 when she awoke to find that the sun was just about ready to set. Taking the time to freshen herself up, she made sure to be dressed in the clothing she was informed she was to purchase. It was then at 9:55 that she made her way out of the hotel and into the street where she was to meet Vincent for the night’s work.