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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 07-15-2012, 01:22 AM

Blaire had been waiting in the street for only a totally of five minutes, but something didn’t seem right. She started to pace in front of the hotel, first left and then right. She had convinced herself that he wasn’t coming to meet her, that it had all been some sort of weird game he was playing with her. She scolded herself, nothing was wrong, it was just her own fragile nerves that were getting the best of her. She kept telling herself that she was better a keeping it calm and collected, but she was lying to herself, she was a pile of nerves at the moment.

She felt it after a few moments of her own mindless panicking a need calling to her in the night. She couldn’t explain it even to herself but she could feel that someone needed her help, and fast. She concentrated on the calling inside her head, telling her that she needed to go back inside the hotel and find him, or her. He needed her help. She looked out into the darkness and found herself torn, Vincent was going to be there any minute only to find that she had not obeyed his orders to her. What would he think? That she had run off with the money in the night? That she had backed out of the arrangement? That she what? Went to the cops?

She fought with the tugging in her head that became stronger and stronger. She grabbed her head as his pain was becoming hers and she knew, it didn’t matter what Vincent thought of her, the person in the hotel needed her help more. As soon as she realized this she darted back into the hotel and took the stairs two at a time. She was no longer following her brain power but rather an internal instinct that was driving her. She found herself outside a door that was right next to her room. The person who needed her help was that close all the time? She took a deep sigh and without even knocking she opened the door and went inside. Inside she met with darkness, so much so that she could only see a shadow within, “I….am….here … …” she said between gasping breaths.