Thread: Faraway Kingdom
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:43 PM

Jiro stares down for an moment. Knowing what the warrior said was true. He sighs deeply and looks up at him "I know..its mostly my fault to began with. I promise it won't ever happen again." sighs. Only he could ask to be alone but that would be impostible also. But he needed to put some distance between them anyway. "I'm going to go to the ask forgiveness for my selfish ways." says. He would take a pause or an moment while he moves over leaning agianst the desk before speaking. "And also it would put my mind back on track what I am supposed to do here. As you said, my kingdom needs me. And nothing like this can ever happen again. But I still do want you to be at my side" But most importable he was surpised Desmond didn't stop him in the first place knowing it was wrong. As he head out of his room and goes to the chapel.