Thread: Faraway Kingdom
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 04:24 PM

The day passed in silence with barely a pause for food or rest. Time crept by as the pair traveled until they finally arrived at their destination. It was a quaint little village nestled between the bows of tall trees and people walked about with happy smiles upon their faces. The place bustled with life, and peace that seemed unknown in the larger cities where people spent their emotions carelessly.

"This, prince Jiro, is my home. Here I have a house where we can both rest and plan for the future. Neither your father nor the rebels will be able to find us." He heeled his horse forward to clop trough the streets until they arrived on the furthest side of town where a house lay apart from the others. It seemed a little rundown, for it's owner had not lived there for quite some time.