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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-22-2012, 06:45 AM

Elyrion was studying the female knight with an air of superiority, his attention being recaptured by the human. He watched her carefully though as she stood and spoke to the beast king. When she unfastened her cloak and held it out to him, Elyrion leaned forward and sniffed at it ever so lightly. His nose wrinkled in a clear sign of distaste. "Just because I pretend to be human, does not mean I want their stink all about them. It's bad enough I smell partly like those villagers that treated me so roughly, I don't need to smell like a naive woman knight." Elyrion turned his nose up at her and the offered garment. He had no need for such a thing anyway.

He kept his eyes on her. "You're rather stupid aren't you? What good that was in humans has long since been buried by their greed, their hunger for power, and their stupid desire to dominate everything they deem a lesser creature or destroy everything they fear and do not understand. Perhaps humans had started out good, but they've allowed themselves to become very corrupt. You cannot help them, not truly. Besides, no one goes out of their way to offer help without expecting something in return." He had crossed his arms across his arms and for a moment it seemed like he might say something else.

Elyrion held his tongue though, because the plant king's voice was around them. Speaking of vengeance, and that brought a slight smile to Elyrion's lips. He was nearly tempted to ask if he could join, but he knew better. Even though the village had wronged him, it was not his place to exact revenge upon them. They had wronged the forest and it's gods for worse than they had wronged Elyrion. The half fae, half demon was not stupid. He knew when to step back and let things happen.

As the god of plants came before them, Elyrion bowed his head ever so slightly and took a few steps back. Then he turned on his heel and began to move towards the water queen. He was careful though, picking his way carefully without even looking. Though the sticks and rocks did hurt his bare feet, Elyrion covered the distance between him and the goddess without complaint and without stepping on any living thing. As if he already knew where all the plants or small creatures might be before he even took a step. Maybe he did.