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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-22-2012, 06:48 PM

Verity shook her head at his comments. She would cling to her optimistic view of the world, otherwise it would all seem far too dark to her and without any chance of good. Such a dreary outlook simply wasn't for the knight. Her mind had veered off, which wasn't a good idea when the gods were planning on wreaking havoc upon the village. She would have objected quite thoroughly, but Verity found herself wondering if perhaps this might not be just the wake up call these people needed.

All of a sudden crashing sounds filled the forest, and instinctively the knight unsheated her weapon and moved towards the racket. Seeing the villagers chasing yet another innocent into the forest angered the blonde. Her booted feet crashed carefully trough the underbrush, so as not to damage the forest, until she stood before the attackers with an angry glare. She'd not lifted her weapon against them before, but Verity couldn't in good conscious stand y while they tried to kill someone she was sure had done nothing at all to harm them.