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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-25-2012, 12:49 AM

“I do not mind that he changed it to give me an out at the end of the two months.” He had smiled and she was relieved that the agreement seemed to work for him, “it gives me a chance to find out if that office is truly the best fit for us and if it is not we don’t have to pay a large fine to get out of the contract. You must have some poker face to have gotten that out of him, or he was just so flustered that he was not thinking. But now that it is signed he cannot change it without us saying yes.” She thought about this simple statement. Had she had a good poker face? She had been so wrapped up in the moment that she hadn’t even thought about how she had gotten it out of him, “He was flustered” she said as an afterthought, “I caught him in a lie, after he was already in a terrible state. I suppose it was only natural that he caved”

She had been lost in thought, and had only really heard the thought in the background of her mind, but she had heard it. I would think you were a witch if I did not know better, for you have bewitched me beyond anything I know of. It took her a moment to register what she had heard, so that by the time she had looked at him ready to respond he had said, “I know some one we may want to talk to if we cant find him tonight. I may have to send you to see him when I go to bed but he should still be awake.” which pushed the previous thought out of her mind to be forgotten.

She turned her thoughts around in her head, and wondered who this person was who was going to help them, but with a glance up at the Cabby knew it was probably better not to ask at this point. Instead she watched as they pulled up to the dark looking building. Vincent paid the cabby, more then was usual, and they headed towards the office space.

When they walked into the office it was to find the whole place in disarray. “looks like the knife is showing how much he wants the office.” she nodded her head in agreement but did not say anything. Instead she took the moment to take in the room. The furniture although trash and turned over was not broken. The Cabinet was open and its contents where strewn across the floor. The lamp was dented, but still looked like it would be functional. She walked across the room and began turning the chairs back on their feet. “He may be showing that he wanted the space, but he didn’t destroy a thing. I think he merely wanted to scare us.”