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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Old 07-28-2012, 07:23 AM

Warren raised an eye then a smile lit his face, filling his eyes with merriment. “now I see why you’re so jumpy tonight Vincent, she is a lovely young lady.” He looked between Vincent and Blaire and for a second the look of surprise crossed his face before disappearing. “You know…” he said as he took a slow walk around her. “I cannot see any spell to make her look like this, ether you have gotten better or this is the first one that is your true twin.” Walking around to in front of her again he offered his hand. “ I am Warren Reginald Wellsmen at your service.” He gave a little bow to her as he watched her eyes.

“if you’re going to play those games Warren you might as well do the full list not just your name, some still would be impressed.” Vincent said in an offhanded way as he walked behind the desk and took a seat. His whole demeanor was of a man that was just waiting for his visitors to leave so he could find some fun. ’Warren was the queen’s privet mage to queen Victoria.’ Vincent’s mind voice was on edge with worry unlike his voice. “As you can see Warren I am doing well, but it turns out that there seem to be people in the city we can’t see but humans can, and my partner Lewis who should be home with his wife is missing and being tortured.”

Warren had been starting to sit down but stopped as Vincent talked about people not being seen. A low growl slowly built in his throat as he stood there looking at Vincent. His fangs slid down in anger as Vincent spoke of Lewis missing. “do you think these two things are related?” he spoke each word carefully as he tried to get his anger under control. The worry and fear that Vincent had been broadcasting down the bound slowly faded away into contentment as Warren spoke.

“I fear that whoever had Lewis now ether knows of our kind and the bonds some of us can make or they know that Lewis heals way to quickly for a proper human. But they do not know about the laws.” Vincent shuffled around some papers on his desk while he spoke mind to mind with Blaire. ’the laws were set down so many years ago that few remember who first penned them. the Law I am talking about is that none shall harm or steal the human that another of our kind climes as their own. You are in a way claimed by me with the bond.’