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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 07-29-2012, 02:43 AM

Vincent leaned in and barely brushed her forehead with his lips before letting her go. She was so kind he felt bad about all that had happened this night. He watched as the thoughts passed through her mind faster than most could read them on her face. He knew that this could be the breaking point in their own partnership. Maybe she would stay on just till Lewis was found then she would leave him to find work elsewhere. Thinking up all that had happened he decided that he would be paying her more than twice what he had said for tonight. She really had been holding him together all this night. He watched her walk over to Warren and sighed.

Here were two people he could trust with his life, that was two more then he had ever thought he would ever have. Slowly he closed his eyes silent blood tears quivered on his eyelid before falling. He did not like what he was about to do but those two could not keep him fed the rest of the night and Lewis could not live out the rest of the night if he pulled out now. But there was nothing he could do now, he had to save himself and the humans around him, and if that meant that Lewis died then that was the price. His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest as he came to the decision. Reaching for the bond that held Lewis he cried as he cut it almost all the way off. ‘I am sorry old friend, I wish this was not the only way.’

Warren sank down to the floor as he tried felt the blood loss. He looked almost defeated in the way he sat on the ground. Like he had not been able to save something or protect some one he really cared for. “you can help him right? I don’t think he can take much more of this.” Her voice seemed to wake him to what was around him. Looking up into her eyes he dropped his gaze to her mouth. “I will now need your help to get him to my car and then to my place. But yes I believe I can…” he stop and his eyes went wide as he felt the bond to Lewis fray farther apart. He opened his mother then closed it again. He was not going to question his prince on what he was doing even if he had just condemned a man to die a painful death. “we need to get him out of here and to my place quickly.” Standing he wobbled a bit before becoming steady on his feet. “you do not fear me as most would Blaire, why is that?”

As he spoke he walked over to Vincent who had slumped down into the chair in front of his desk, lines of blood slowly seeping from his eyes. Raising his hand he struck Vincent on the cheek. “my lord prince wasting the blood is almost as bad as killing one without permission. Please don’t make me have to punish you.” He sounded wounded as he spoke as if he did not want to have to say those word.