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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-29-2012, 01:33 PM

He had kissed her forehead before she had walked away, and it only solidified her decision to stay. She knew without a thread of a doubt, she was already in too deep to leave him. She was standing in front of Warren when she heard it, almost as if it had been screamed to her, clear as day, ‘I am sorry old friend, I wish this was not the only way.’ She also felt it, the strong connection she had felt earlier to Lewis was gone and in that moment she could make a fair guess as to what he had done, and she felt the pain that it caused him to do it. She felt a single tear run down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. She needed to be the strong one in the room, no matter what she needed to be strong.

“I will now need your help to get him to my car and then to my place. But yes I believe I can…” she saw the look in his eyes as the bond broke a bit further. He had felt it as well and she shook her head a bit. She saw him about to say something, but he, like her, knew that this was not the moment to question the choice. She brought the moment back to where they where, “Anything I can do” she had said it simply. Her voice was distant in that moment as if her mind was really only partially on the task at hand but it still held the softness that was in her nature. He had mentioned that they needed to get Vincent to his place and she simply nodded in agreement, unable to find too many words.

“you do not fear me as most would Blaire, why is that?” it was a reason to not think about Lewis. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “I did” she said simply, “When I first put together what you where I was terrified. But then I saw the way you cared for him” she paused and looked in the direction of Vincent, “and as much as it is against my very nature, I trust him. If he trusts you, then I trust you.”

She watched Warren walk across the room and smack Vincent across the cheek and say something about punishing him. He was going to punish Vincent for crying? The very pain she could feel radiating off of Vincent, it was an incredibly human quality that she was feeling. She had not known that Vampires even had the ability to cry. In that moment a slight bit of strength came to her that made her do something that was both very brave, and probably incredibly stupid. Either one of them had the ability to end her life where she stood.

She strode across the room with long quick strides. First she turned to Warren, “Would you really punish him when its quite clear that he is in incredible pain at the moment. Do you really think that if he could control those tears he has at this moment that he would be wasting them?”

She then turned to Vincent, the tears of blood flowing freely from his eyes. She could feel the pain he was in at the moment, but she knew what he needed least of all was sympathy. With her had on her hips in a very woman like move she stood before him, “Are you really gonna sit here and cry? What good are tears doing him? If we have any hope at all of finding him, and hope at all of bringing him back alive we need you to stop with the pity party and get to work”