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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-29-2012, 07:36 PM

“Your right Blaire, I am being childish about this.” she smiled, there it was. A bit of strength to get him where he needed to be. Taking a heavy sigh she watched as he wiped the blood stained tears from his eyes. They where one step closer at least to getting there. She had hated to yell at him when she knew he needed those tears, but the tears where going to get him no where fast. It was with a smile, and almost a playful quip that she said, “now that’s better”

She could hear Warren still laughing as Vincent stepped forward and put his arm around her neck. She had to admit she probably had come off in a rather comical manner which caused a pink twinge, barely noticeable in the dark, to come to her cheeks. She walked slowly to accommodate for helping the weak Vincent though she could feel that he was barely putting his weight on her. Good, she thought to herself, that means he is stronger already. As they walked down the hall amid the sounds of Warren’s cane, three pairs of shoes echoed around the completely silent hall.

Even before they walked out of the building she had pegged Warren as being a man of high class but when they stepped outside and she saw the car, she was taken aback by the amount of wealth the man had. Vincent had whispered in her ear that he was a high class Artist who’s art was in high demand and it made her want to see what type of art he did. As they stepped up to the car the driver gave her an exceptional odd stare but did not say anything. It really didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. He must be used to the fact that Vincent and Warren where vampires, maybe he was even a vampire himself and she was human.

She helped Vincent into the car just as Warren was telling the driver to take them to Warren’s home and followed pursuit immediately afterward. On the drive to Warren’s house she was silent, lost deep in thought. A lot had happened that day, more then she had expected. Last night walking into a job interview now seemed like a hundred years ago. She looked over at Vincent briefly while lost in her thoughts and thought about the fact that for the first time in a long time, she was where she was supposed to be.