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Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 03:16 AM

She watched as he left feeling rather stupid for what she had tried to do to help, she then sighed and put her rings back on her fingers. The slowly made her way back to her room as she wanted to bathe a remove the sea's salt from her body, once she was in the tavern she walked bare-footed up to her room. Reign unlocked the door, closed it behind herself, set her boot against the nearby wall, started a fire in the fire place, and tended it for a few moments. After which she headed downstairs, asked some of the maidens to bring up large amounts of heated water, and headed back upstairs leaving the door open.

She poured lavender and rose oils in the base of her metal tub, she then took the braid out of her long damp hair and let it remain on her shoulder, and finally sat on the edge of the tub. The several maidens who carried buckets of hot water had made there way up, poured their water in the tub and left. Once they left, Reign closed the door and locked it back. She undressed, grabbed some soap from the nearby shelf, and got into the tub. She washed herself, set the soap of the floor, and then relaxed. After a while she got out--threw her night gown on, washed her clothes and scarves, rung them out, and left the dry on a bar that had been set up a foot from the fire place. She then tended the fire place once more, brushed her hair out, and climbed into her bed to soon fall asleep.