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Tobi is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 04:22 AM

Apparantly his request to enter was accepted since the gates began to open electronically. He couldn't help but chuckle to think that if there was a blackout in this part of town, they'd be stuck within their walls with an electric gate. But at the same time they would be better protected in the slim possibility of an exposed zombie virus. In that case, this trap would be the safest place in town.

The walk to the front of the home was grueling. He wasn't extraordinarily physically unfit, but the walk was longer then he would have liked. Next time Sig'll take his bike over just to make the distance between the gate and main entrance. He placed the crumpled sheet deep into his pocket once more. He brushed his hair back when he reached the door in an attempt to keep it out of his eyes, but the strands just fell back into his eyesight. He didn't have the best presentation, but he didn't expect the home he'd visit to be so prestigious. When the housekeeper greeted him, he left even more under dressed. His 'study' attire of sweat pants and a cozy sweater didn't mesh with anything else in the elaborate house. He wasn't even sure if he should take off his shoes upon entering until he was asked by the butler.

He was promptly lead to the room where Syrena and himself would be working. Since it was the first day, he didn't bring much in terms of study material, and thought it best to first figure out where she is with her classes and whatnot. Introductions wouldn't be bad either. Getting on the right foot with this girl is necessary if she is going to make any progress with her grades. He'd never tutored before, but he was sure it wouldn't be too difficult. He has helped his younger sister with her homework, and isn't it pretty much the same thing but with someone older?