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Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 04:53 AM

"I must say, swords with history are by far the best and yours has an interesting history," Reign grinned softly. "Many of my swords have a great history behind them also. I keep them aboard my ship in my chamber's--lest one of my swords be compromised and due of fixing I have another. This one was something my Father had had crafted for me after I completed my sword training, it's never failed me yet, but sometimes it has to be re-silvered."

"I myself, had a place that was my home, once--a few miles out of the riverfront town of Maastricht, Holland. I lived there with my father the infamous dutch pirate, Roche Braziliano, but after he died it no longer felt like the great home it once was. The manor still stand's, the maid's still paid, but the home is no longer where I belong. My Father readied me for a life on the sea. He always said, 'You are my little mermaid, a life on land is not where you belong, but the gift of the life at sea is where you shall forever prosper. Your name will be known at many ports and on many great sea's, as you are my child--my only protégé.' I'm only at port a few months out of the year, not only do I get that bit of down time to relax, I inspect my ship and restock it for another voyage. I've lived briefly in very many places--some more beautiful than others, one no more permanent than the other as the sea is forever beckoning me back. When I'm at port, normally I'm there for the select few people I know, as they don't prefer the water as much as I. As for harlot's they are everywhere, they're either sold into the trade or wander the street's with no self-worth."

She paused as she ate a bit of the fruit she had in her hand, she then pulled out a cloth napkin she had in the basket, laid it flat on the rock, and place the foot upon it.

"The men here are like most of the men anywhere else, except the lot of them are dressed nicer and have higher standings in their society. I myself had an elbow rub with my mother's family when they spotted my ship of the coast of London. My Uncle is in high standings with the King's army. I hail from hail from great pirates and known nobility. I have a good sense of both world's, thought my Mother was removed from the great Winthrop's after her untimely passing she was forgiven. I wasn't trusted as much as the other child of my generation, but I was strangely accepted with open arms. That was years ago though, we're no longer on terms, as I wouldn't lay down my sword to become a house wife."