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Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 08-01-2012, 09:17 AM

Whilst he spoke to her, she had started to eat her meal again and chewed it carefully, then swallowed before speaking, "Has anyone ever told you that you've got a lovely smile. Pardon me, the subject had to be broken for a moments time. Perhaps today you can come with me today, I let you see my swords and even show you around the ship a bit. My first mate docked the ship earlier this morning."

"It seem's we have more in common than I thought, two members hailed from honorable blood married those of lower class out of love. My Mother was supposed to marry a man of nobility, but she met and fell in love with my Father, she fled England with the assistance of my Father and a few of his men. Unfortunately, I was an only child as my Mother died shortly after I was born. The Winthrop's don't much like me after I publicly defied them. They were never truly my family, my Father was--is and my crew are."

"The place I used to call home, soon lost it's touch as ship replaced it. The garden out back my home--I'd play around and have toy sword fights with my Father, but the maid's would get mad when we played around it. He sung me to sleep every night, tickled me awake every mornin'. He taught me how to sing, how to fight, and to love. He was my Dad--my Mum, my best friend, and my mentor," Her eyes welled up as she spoke and the tears rolled down her face, so she looked away from him and dabbed them on her sleeve until they were gone.

She took in a shaky breath, "Please, tell no one of this. I can't be seen as weak , the insult that could come with it would be unbearable."