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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-06-2012, 09:06 PM

That's understandable, no need to explain. Real life is more important than the internet. :)

Yes, it's been going on for about a month now if I had to guess. Ever since they did some humungo update awhile back a few things have been messed up on Mene. I keep having to remind myself not to buy shit in the marketplace...buying a 10,000 CI could be a mega bad thing right now. XP Even 2,000.

I don't like paying for anything school wise, but the fact that I had to pay $234 for parking this year pissed me off. It's like, now I not only have to come up with the gas to commute, I have to pay to park in your lot when my tuition and books come to almost $4,500 already?