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Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 09:08 PM

Riva entered the shop slowly, as if thinking of something. Her origin more complex the one might think. She had met no other of her kind older then she, yet even she knew very little. She took in a deep breath when she entered, pulling in the air's energy before using it to send the dirt, jelly, and other grit from her hands into a wastebasket until her hands were as spotless, elegant, and clean as before. She soon slipped on her gloves and dropped her skirt so once more she was the picture of the demure lady. She half smiled a little and took a seat as she mulled over how much to say. Time had made it clear she was the first of her kind but not the only one. there were many ways they could be made... sometimes one was even still born to a vampire or succubus due to their shared origin...

"That is a more difficult question then your realize but i will tell you what i know. I was born in a time of great change.... to a strange creature who only resembled a man and one of the first human women, well human as humans are now known to be. I resembled her at first, powerless, weak, and the creature fled onward to sire the ancestors of modern day vampires and succubus and a few more of my kind.... I think he was trying to create another of himself, and I was but one of the first of many failures. It was only after my first death I would become like him, as with all my kind that are born instead of made. So one could say, I suppose, that I only truly became what I am when I died.

The winters were colder then, the animals larger and stronger.... and other humanoids sought war with us though homo sapians would ultimately rule. There were no cities, no towns, only small tribes scattered over the earth. Dying young was what was expected, no one living over the age of forty. One day while the men were hunting, I stayed behind with the other women in our caves as always but one we believed then could throw the sun attacked. It was very similar to what is now a bear yet different... The winter was even harsher then usual so the fire did not scare it away, it was too hungry. I tried to defend my mother foolishly, using an old broken spear. Of course I failed and the beasts claws ripped through my chest and belly as if it were made of glass. When i awoke... i was not human any longer and I was so hungry yet I did not know for what. I reached out and I drained the life from that creature as it was nearest me. Perhaps because i was still healing and not fully awake I grew taller, my muscles more sleek, my hair more red like the creature had been, while the creature become little more then a skeleton. I would not age after that...

I feared what I could do to my tribe and so I ran, my senses sharper and my intelligence growing as if every bit of my biology had changed. Over the centuries I have birthed normal human children and I have birthed more of my kind... and i have changed humans to my kind through energy exchange should they be magically gifted enough to survive so I still can not say what makes my kind be what we are instead of human. My first born, having met a vampire cursed to eternal night believed we are chosen by the sun and they by the night. Perhaps that is so, I do not know. I only know that we all come from a common ancestor with all others who feed on the living to survive."

She shrugged as she finished speaking, saying it all casually. Most of her children were dead now or had abandoned her over the years. Some wanted to start their own coven, some wanted to find others of their kind not of her line, some just fell in love and moved away, and well the human ones simply died. Yet more had been killed when she had been younger, their kind being hunted by many for jealousy or hatred. To her knowledge there were three to five other 'pure' lines, depending on who you asked, other then her own who came from creatures like her 'father' and all were from younger people then herself. Her father's kind had died out long ago even as they desperately sired 'lesser' beings like herself but they had left a long legacy. There were also a few 'impure' lines that came from the genetic anomaly of her kind popping up in the lines of vampires, succubus, dhampires, and some said more. She knew little of the other lines and cared little.

((yup that's right :P she's one of the first homosapians in Eurasia and the very first of her kind, though she may have a sibling almost old as she is, meaning she's between 60,000 and 125000 years old... not that she'll ever tell which :P))

Last edited by Staria; 08-12-2012 at 09:22 PM..