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epicMaj is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:06 PM

*poofs in*
So here I am! I haven't figured how to format messages yet, so I think it'll all be in black. I am loving that they give me no clothes to start off with.
Okay introductions start here, ummmm...
I'm Epicmaj, 15, in England. A lot of people call me epic. Mostly because my screen name is epicmaj.
So, I like hamsteak. Any other hamsteakers on here? I'd love to rp some time, maybe on MSPARP. I especially like roleplaying as Tavros, and I like to think I'm okay at it.
I also like anime, 'specially Hayate no Gotoku. It's awesome, if you haven't seen it you must! It's technically shounen, but I think it's got a bit of something for everyone, even my mum likes it! Maybe PG-13 rated though. It's got a cool butler in it, who is also very unlucky. And it's harem, but probably the best harem I've seen because the girls all have good personalities. :3 Probably if I had to mention others that I like, I'd say Rozen Maiden, Lucky Star. Kore wa Zombie Desuka and Zero no Tsukaima. Yeah, I don't have especially 'common' taste in anime, but I think these are all really cool ones. :3
Reading's another big thing with me. I'm a proud Harry Potter nerd, and I'm in the middle of reading the Hunger Games. They seem pretty good, although (don't kill me rabid fangirls) maybe not the best I've ever read. If you have any good book suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know! :D
Another thing: I rant a lot. Like, a lot. Not in an angry way, but just from reading this you can see I'm EXTREMELY talkative. I also use too many emoticons. XD I think I'm fairly literate in terms of reading and writing, BU7 I C4N 4120 UND3R274ND 1337. Not that I would ever talk like that of course. Unless I was roleplaying Terezi. >;]
So that's about it, really! Or, you know, I also like science, maths and ice skating, but they're hard to talk about online, especially with varying skill levels as I'm not an olympic ice skater and I'm not at university studying chemisty (yet!) If anyone wants to be my friend go ahead and add me, I think I've found my way around the site pretty well, I would put clothes on but I enjoy being in a bra...
So peace out, homies!