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kemii is offline
Old 08-23-2012, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by Rosebleed View Post
@kemii - of course I remember you, ha. I haven't seen you in ages mind, even before I went inactive!
Thanks, so do I... But the more over due I get the bigger I keep thinking the baby will be... Lol and that worries me as this its my first! We are expecting a little girl, not settled on names yet, got the choice of 3: Izabella, Tiana or Amelia. middle name its set on rose though :)
Haha I went inactive for a couple of years: only came back a few weeks ago (: It's really nice to see someone I knew from back then come back as well, even if its only for a bit~

I'm sure you have no need to be worried ^^ Relax! (: Are you having a natural birth or a C-section, and if the latter are you in hospital at the moment? ^^

Those are all really pretty names :3