Thread: Project M
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Old 09-19-2012, 07:00 AM

Waiting as how the female guard in front of him had began to unsheathe her own katana, Yukio could only stare in a bit of boredom. He had just escaped the hellish room he was placed into, that room had been more of a torture room then a cell for the young male. Once more, the female had told him to return into his cell room even though it was destroyed and yet once again he had shook his head in refusal to return into that room. The cold may had been gone but it was quite too obvious for Yukio that the scientists were going to make him go into another holding cell later, and there was another fact that they would probably make the next cell much stronger and resistant against his flame element. "No way...use as much force as you want. There is no way I'm going back in there. You people are torturing us! There way I am going to die here!" He had screamed out in full anger and determination, the flame spots that had covered around the hallway had grown larger as though they were alive.

Watching as how an older looking male had made his way over as well, speaking about how Yukio should listen to the female guard since the male guard wasn't in any mood to do any killing nor capturing of anyone. Watching as how the male seemed to extend out multiple tentacles which quickly turned in blades, he couldn't help himself but let his flames immediately die out. The hallway was now completely dried out of flames and Yukio's own body looked as though it had lost all energy to continue to fight back. He hadn't gotten any food in his body and not to mention the explosion he had made with his remaining energy was probably the last thing he could do anyway. Using anymore flames would probably end up causing him to die even quicker then having to go through a fight that he was outnumbered in. Just because there were two of them hadn't meant that he had no chance, but more rather it was because he was too weak at the moment to really do anything. "So what?...your going to force me back into those rooms, and do more tests?...hmph. You call yourselves guards, but do you honestly think..those damn scientists are just going to keep you the way you are?" Panting heavily as small embers had began to escape his lips rather then actual flames any longer. Yukio hadn't bothered to explain anything else, or rather because he didn't have the strength to continue speaking.