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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 01:46 AM

((Alright will do))

He turned his head at the sound of his prisoner asking questions to himself. Anse shook his head and slipped out of the room. Down the stairs he went with a sense of loneliness which plagued him from time to time. Just having another person in the home reminded him of it. It shouldn't have made him feel so horrible, but it did. There was no regret in him for having done his job, and taken matters into his own hands.

Rather, he simply wanted to find someone who wouldn't fear him even knowing what he was and how horrible a person. These thoughts fluttered trough his mind as the assassin pulled ingredients from the shelves of his modern kitchen. Stainless steel gleamed as he chopped onions to sauté them and then throw them into a sauce. It simmered and boiled, just as the water did with it's fill of noodles. Cooking calmed Anse's mind when nothing else did. It was a magic even the assassin could use.