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R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
LOL Oh hun, that's just the tip of the ice-burg! That's just what's on TV right now :P
That's not even including what I'm watching on Netflix ;P

My mom harasses me too LOL!
I TVO most of mine because I just don't have time to watch them when they're on :3
Too many on at once!!
So glad I have West coast channels too <3
Glad I'm not the only one that gets harassed XDD! I am breaking your post up into sections, otherwise I might miss something!

Survivor is already started!!
It started on the 19th!!
Eeee I know! It was great! Did you watch it yet? I'm SO happy about who got voted out. Loser I say!

Oh yes! Grimm! I watch that too!
I thought I was forgetting something from my late night line up!
So excited for the 28th <3
New episodes start back up!!
For some reason they did a few new episodes, then did like, a 2-3 week break - so weird!
I thought the break was weird too...I mean why bring back a show only to put it on a temp hiatus after a few episodes? Either way, I love it!

I haven't watched the other ones you've mentioned, but Castle looked really good!
I think I have it on my Netflix to watch - I haven't had a chance to check it out though :3
With True Blood I like some of the actors/actresses in it, but couldn't get into the plot :(
I do watch The X-Factor though!
Castle is amazing, but to be fair, I'm biased. I'm a HUGE Nathan Fillion fan so it was already decided that I'd love the show XD

When I first watched True Blood I didn't like it. I had to force myself through about 5 episodes before I started to give it a chance. I had read the books so I wanted desperately to like it. After a little while it got really good. Season 2 people said it was amazing, but because I read the books I hated season 2 haha. Everything after that has been AMAZING!!!!

I'm happy you admitted to watching X-Factor..I love the show. I've never made it to the end of a show like that...I watch all the auditions and then I watch a few episodes after the final people have been selected and then I get tired of it XD

Once Upon A Time: Can You Remember Them All?
There you go!!
I haven't had a chance to post anything yet because around the time I started it, I was finishing up my PLL blog initial posts, and then I was playing the FB game getting all of the story lines from there, and then I got sick and homework ate me alive :(
I'm hoping to revisit it soon though!!
It's definitely not a dead weight :3
I just don't think it'll be nearly done before S2 starts :( </3
But that's okay! Because I'm going to start adding and writing up Bios while Season 2 goes on, as well as backdating to Season 1 :3
I like your writing style, it was a good and easy read. It's been bookmarked ;D! It will also help me keep track and I like having those "OH YEAH!" moments haha.

I know exactly what you mean with PLL - the first -A was kind of a shock, but not overly I guess if you read the books. The second -A? Omg. It floored EVERYONE. It was still being talked about 3 weeks after it happened lol
I'd say give it another try because it does actually get better, but it all depends on your viewpoint really :3
The drama is pretty over-the-top, but the over all plot is still interesting to me :3
Apparently there's 3 -As so far, and the third one should be revealed soon :3
At least for the last -A they narrowed it down to 11 or 13 suspects!!
I only saw the first A...not the second! Now I need to find out who it was D: I find the show very "young" though - that doesn't really make sense, but like the drama is very pre-teen? Not sure if that makes sense either XD! Maybe I just got over it. I still have the unwatched episodes on my laptop, so I'll probably get back to it eventually. Only 11 or 13? lol

I know - me too!
I'm now counting the days until the shows start up again, and before I was ignoring it!!

I try to keep up, but this past season with Jane By Design I had sooo many episodes built up because I just didn't have time to watch it!
I still have the last 2 episodes to watch, but I'm sort of not inclined to because it didn't get picked up again, which was majorly disappointing :( </3
The biggest let down is when shows don't start up again :(! I get so involved with all of them and then bam ends. Terry Nova? Canceled. The Nine Lives of Chloe King? Canceled. Witches of Eastwick? Canceled. The list goes on and on :(

I'm so glad a lot of TV shows go to Netflix almost immediately after airing - like Melissa & Joey (which I also watch) - it's so much easier than trying to find good quality videos that don't miss anything on youtube!
-hates commercials-
And the commercials online are the worsttt T_T;
I don't have netflix because it sucks in Canada .____.;; BUT I do the ...[s]legal[/s] thing and download XD.

You should definitely check out Lost Girl if you have a chance it's phenomenal and judging by the shows you already watch, I'm sure you'd love it :D!

Just got back from seeing Dredd in theaters, it was really quite good!