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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-26-2012, 07:24 PM

Yeah - and Dreamwork's Dragons won't be in the area again for a longgg time!
They just got done with their Australian tour and have started their North American tour - I don't know if they've been to Europe yet, but that'll probably be next if not. So I'm freaking out because I don't want to miss that, and I don't want to miss Treasure Trove because I've been wanting to see it for years but that went over to Europe before I was able to find it near here - so it's just stressful because I can't really reschedule or get a refund on these tickets lol
But I'm hoping it'll be ok!
I have 5/44 assignments finished already, so I'm hoping I can pull it off!!

Oo - I'll have to read it once I watch Hakuouki!
Omg - speaking of Fanfic - I just recently discovered my account on!
Are you on there at all?
I don't know how active it is anymore lol
I was obsessed with it in high school my junior and senior years!
But haven't looked at it since lol
Totally forgot it even existed!