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Rogue Darkfox
Rogue Darkfox is offline
Old 09-29-2012, 05:17 AM

Heru smiled slightly. "You can still speak in my mind, when its just us, just don't go digging in it." He knew she didn't like talking out loud and he tried to make each infected he worked with feel at ease. "I suppose by now you have heard bout the latest rescue we had, there's an issue. We cant get a boy we got out to talk to us, none of the others we got out with him know anything about him." Such was often the case with new rescues, they were often from different areas and knew almost nothing about each-other. "I figured you could give it a go." Normally he wouldn't have asked her to go into anyone's mind, well except the IRS but the boy was scared and alone in a new place. "After dealing with the boy myself and a few others are going to find out more about this new IRS person and I want you along."

Akira's eyes flickered over the board, she had been given a file of some of the infected she may have to deal with to look through on her way over yet she didn't see those faces on the board. Her eyes shifted to look at Jackson watching him trying to understand how an infected was in charge of the group when there was a normal with them. She looked over each of the others in the group her mind going over each of their skills her eyes resting on Garth a moment before returning to the board.