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Staria is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 12:39 AM

"Yeah... it's kinda picky about it's vines..." Bella said with a smile and shrugged, though she wondered about his chuckle. Was he that amused by it or just covering up his uncertainty. She didn't have much time to try and figure it out as he stood. She nodded in agreement when he spoke, though she rolled her eyes as he put his hood up again. She had never understood really, such self consciousness... then again maybe that was just because she was rather average looking and always had been. Pretty, healthy, strong but not so outrageously so in any respect that she'd actually stick out in a crowd so that was probably why.

"So lets see, you have metal....Miria has earth...and I have gravity. Kinda an elemental theme." she muttered to herself as she put her hands in her pockets. She wondered if everyone's powers were that way or if there were more spiritual or strange powers out there.... other then animals being turned human anyway. Were there limits to what kind of powers the shards could produce? did it have to do with elements they came into contact with at one time? It was all so strange and surreal...