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R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by neller View Post
I love your designs! They're all so awesome! And I love your drawings! Plus, you're gorgeous. :D
I drew the last drawing (it's kasakir's one avatar) with a mouse. I'm still getting used to a tablet. :3 I have an illustration class now that is teaching us how to use tablets (but I have more experience than most people in the class, thank goodness).

I actually had 1 class all day long my senior year of high school. I went to a technology institute that was affiliated with my high school. I was extremely lucky to have that opportunity. It opened me up to the programs I would be using for the rest of my life.

My dream job would be an illustrator with a publishing company...but those jobs are rare and more open to people who are more skilled than I. So I'm aiming for a design job that isn't freelance. Haha.
Thank you :)! ME? Where did you see me? *looks around room creepily*

You drew that with a mouse?! My effin god. I wouldn't have the patience! Kudos to you woman!

That sounds really awesome for a school!! Lucky bum :) While the job you seek may be rare, if you keep at it you can get it, it's all about never giving up :D!!