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Staria is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 08:30 PM

Even as he dropped the other male, Jocelyn would find himself bound in light as she held one hand outwards. Her blue hair streamed behind her and her wings of light could be seen behind her. Those ever changing hazel eyes narrowed on him, clearly irritated. Had he not understood attacking others was not allowed here? If one had sought sanctuary here, they were allowed it. Sure, she disliked the vampire... hell sometimes she wanted to smack him around herself but her duty was her duty.

"Those who seek sanctuary here are under my and the waterfalls protection. You are not allowed to attack them in any way or treat them as toys to be picked up and tossed away. Understand that well..." Sio said in quiet explanation, similar as she had to Aiden moments earlier. For just an instant sorrow seemed to flash across her eyes. All she wanted was peace, to no longer have to fight. That was what she had come here for but instead been pulled in as a protector. Before the past few days she had found that peace here, but now it was gone...

She released him after her warning and thought back to the inn where another demon had protected her. She had no idea then, how bad the fighting would get. She felt a pang of emotion, missing the demon and even the vampires there. Compared to Aiden they had been angels. She pushed away the thought, that was gone long ago. She had managed to keep from thinking of it for some time... She moved to the vampire that was here now and gripped his hand. If he let her she would pull him to his feet before she heard the fox call out.

In an instant she was gone, moving among the trees with the speed any fae could. She had already found the poison on the arrows, but the demon had prevented her from retrieving it in time. She used her powers over light to throw the arrow into the bin next to her small hovel of a home. She then lifted the girl with her abilities and with a shout of 'don't touch the arrows' to the demon and vampire would race for the waterfall. It took a lot of focus to keep the girl aloft but she didn't dare call on either male. She would begin to bathe the girl in the water without removing her clothing. She only removed any clothing off the foot she'd stepped on, knowing this poison far too well. Most healing magic could not work on it..... the waterfall was her only chance and even then she was unsure. A lot of it would depend on the girl...