Thread: RavenWood
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Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 07:20 PM

Rune raised an eyebrow as the boy seemed to talk a mile a minute. So many subjects coming out at once. He turns, sitting him down on the floor by the door "now listen Kiwi, I don't change for just anyone, or on command most the time. As well as no, red's just my color" he smirked. Stepping back, he plopped back on the bed, resting his hands behind his head as he looked up at the other male. Kiwi eh? That was a good name for him, a cross between a fuzzy fruit and a little bird. He tried to hold his smirk at bay, as his eyes traveled over the other a bit. Obviously he had to have some way to look into things, having known about Rune's beast form before anyone else had. Frankly he didn't care if people believed about it or not, it was not a form to be trifled with.

His father had been the same, it was where he got it from. Growing up with it, and learning to control it was not the easiest thing. The beast inside could not always be tamed. That was for a different time though. Rune waited for the male to respond, bracing himself for another series of subjects to pour from little Kiwi's mouth. Then again, someone who talked a lot wasn't always a bad thing, good to have around when you needed a nap. Rune yawned lightly, this morning had been eventful. Tomorrow classes would begin, and he would meet the other students and the teachers as well. This was turning out to be a good start to the year, that was, if Zimmy would take the stick out of his ass and learn to have fun. Maybe he would replace the stick with something....bigger. Rune smirked once more, running his tongue lightly over his lip at the thought.

Vincent raised an eyebrow as he looked the male over once more. He shook his head, if the male wasn't going to ask, he would not offer more then that either. He turned away, and moved to one of the small closets near the desks. He slid his tie off, tossing it on the desk. One by one, he undid the buttons to his shirt, he was planning to go off campus for lunch, since classes did not begin until tomorrow. He didn't feel like staying so casually dressed to go get a cup of tea. Slowly he slid off the shirt, openeing the hamper at the bottom of the closet. He placed it inside.

Aries looked over at the other male. He stood, walking to the end of the bed and his bag. Sitting Uncle York down on the bed, he begins to rummage through the bag. He began to pull out a series of things. Art supplise, a leather box, and various other things adorned his bed soon. He picked up the leather box, and turned to sit on the edge, not caring about the other things at the moment. He opened it to look inside, picking up what seemed to be nothing. He looked at the empty space between his connected fingers and spoke. "Take a look around for me will you?" he lowered his hand to the floor, and unpinched his fingers. For a moment nothing happened, before the door slowly slid open a few more inches on its' own. Aries smiled, closing the box.