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Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 08:25 AM

((Lol can we do the scene from 'Kare First Love.' with the motorcycle? I like that part haha!))

Rogan, knew he pushed the right buttons to get Morgan, to sneak her way in and make sure her Honey, didn't take Victoria home. He was a little surprised at Jacob, being so nice to her, not that he has ever done anything to her in the first place, he also tried to stop them from doing it more than once.

"Have fun you guys, do any thing I would. See ya tomorrow Jac." he laughed lightly as he followed after Victoria, down the sidewalk. After a few minutes of walking in silence, Rogan, looked down at her in the corner of his eye, "Pretty good, yeah?" a smirk playing on his lips, "Go a head you can, thank me." his chest and cheeks puffing up with pride.