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Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 10-28-2012, 01:53 AM

Demitrii wasn't hearing anything that he wanted to hear. He started to doubt himself, thinking that maybe this guy was apart of his imagination. Ha. Fat chance. Figments didn't kill people. He had to be somewhere. Maybe he just hadn't asked the right person. "It comes with the job. Though when I signed up for it, they had promised women and money rather than shiners. I guess that is how it goes. Listen, if you hear or see anyone peddling drugs or looks.... off... way off.. give me a call, Mister~..." He said pulling out a card with a number and his name, prompting the man to give him his name. He could do a background check later on the man.


Terra waited for the driver. She wasn't going back to the club, even if Mr. O'Harron believed it was safe. Of course, she also didn't know about the deal Lewis had made with the O'Harrons. Somehow, she'd bribe Caleb to let her off... she knew she wasn't strong enough to take him head on if he denied her request but she could... no. He didn't deserve had happened to the nurse. Maybe if she just called Lewis and told him that she wanted to go home... Fat chance of that happening.


The man shook his head. "I'm not offering trouble. As a matter of fact, I am offering you the chance for quite the opposite. Think about it. Perfection... Perhaps, my beautiful Judgement... you could make your amazing clothes line a huge hit. Use your fascinating charm that no man can seem to appreciate," he said pausing, "Or perhaps, Joi... you could learn to be more like your friend here... outgoing and happy. Someone men would fall to their knees for..." A devilish grin crossed his lips.