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The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 11-02-2012, 08:16 PM

I'm gonna go ahead and copy and paste everything I said in the other page about my mom.

I'm back from taking my mom to the doctor -AGAIN- and then bringing her home and then going back to wait a half hour at the pharmacy for her medicine. She has to go back to the doctor on Monday unless she starts vomiting blood, then she has to go to the E.R.

She has lost over 20 pounds since this started a week ago. Her temperature drops when she's sick and it was so low the thermometer didn't even register a temp at all! She hasn't been able to eat for days but is still vomiting and has diarrhea. Yet all her blood work is just fine. She's so weak she can hardly stand and had to use a wheel chair today.

The doctor just keeps sending her home with new anti-nausea meds that hardly help at all ... of course she's hardly even able to hold them down long enough for them to work. She can't even take sips of water without that coming up. Her throat is so raw that it's bleeding slightly.

I was telling my sister I REALLY REALLY REALLY feel bad for Mom but it is so exhausting taking her places and waiting around for prescriptions!

The doctors have no idea what it is! I mean, her blood pressure is good and her blood tests come back just fine. I told them they need to put her in the hospital and give her stuff through an I.V. so her body doesn't have a chance to get rid of it, but he thinks they can do everything by having her come back in all the time!

Mom has been getting more and more delicate as she gets older. Somebody sneezes a mile away and she can get sick! It's crazy.

---------- Post added 11-02-2012 at 01:17 PM ----------

AWESOME outfit Kat!!