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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:22 AM


A score of Balrogs descended from above on the magical town with fangs barred and eyes glowing red flapping its leathery wings. The frightened fairies except Mar and Wing hid inside their tree huts. One young girl dressed in robes ran to Grendel and fell on her knees with her holy symbol in hand pleading to the Goddess for her protection, within a moment she opened her eyes and saw an angelic being more pristine than any she had ever seen. “Thank you Goddess!” she exclaimed. The angel let three golden arrows fly in the air as the Balrogs began to descend and a bright light blinded them for a split second. “NOW!” a woman’s voice shouted. Flame birded arrows flew from the eight Fire/Poison Wizards, and seven of the Ice/Lightning Wizards sent swords of ice appearing stabbing several of the Balrogs. Many small bolts of blue energy went flying from the various huts in the village along with the few brave magicians who stood their ground with the wizards attacking with their Arcane Claws. The Balrogs set fire to some of the huts and the trees; it was all happening so fast. “Join us” the angel calmly commanded. “Whoa! Where did YOU come from?!” Wing was startled. The young cleric stood up and summoned her holy bow and blasted a holy arrow of light at one of the foul creatures in the air. They were mildly damaging the Balrogs but it only seemed to infuriate them. Fire arrows and Cold Beams as ice daggers flew in the air at the beasts. They growled ferociously diving down at the wizards and magicians brave enough to try to defend Ellinia. “We’re going to die!” Wing cried. Mar suddenly split and became two. One of her took off flying as if she were trying to act as a decoy to help Grendel’s students. “Oh no you don’t!” Grendel growled as a crystal ball appeared and his staff began glowing blue and instantly chains of bright lightning began electrocuting seven Balrogs. They howled in pain as more began to fly at Grendel to avenge their comrades. The angel took out four arrows this time and shot them simultaneously piercing three Balrogs rushing towards them.

All of Grendel’s students gawked in awe at his powers. Four more Balrogs were trying to attack his students and some of the fairies spiritually, but the angel’s wings spread wide and he flew in the air and his whole body illuminated and turned into a white field of energy reflecting the curse back at the Balrogs. This gave all the students just enough time to take cover as Grendel’s eyes began to turn bright red with fire and without warning a meteor swarm that was bright with fire and hot as brimstone, appeared and instantly smashed and scorched the four Balrogs that were trying to curse his students. As the Balrogs were recovering from the lightning attack, they recovered and regrouped with the remaining Balrogs. Grendel prepared one last final spell, he threw his arms up and a massive tornado from above sucked the remaining Balrogs out of the town hurling them far into the sky. The surviving wounded Balrogs decided to retreat and made their escape. The young girl looked incredulously at Grendel amazed by his power. Arwen flew summoning Undine water spirits to put out the flames on the huts and trees. “Is everyone ok?” Mar asked. “Oh I’m fine, I wasn’t scared!” Wing said defiantly. “Sure, whatever…” the young cleric laughed. The angel returned, “Wow! Where did you come from?! Orbis?!” Wing asked rudely. “Hold your tongue! He’s an angel, not a fairy!” the young cleric scolded. “Gee, I’m sorry! Shesh…” Wing apologized sarcastically. “Enough you two!” Grendel scolded. “Amelia, get your sisters and brothers and heal the injured, Wing, you help her!” “Thank you mr. angel..uh..” Amelia smiled. “I am called Novas” the angel smiled back as he and Grendel walked back into his cottage.