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Staria is offline
Old 11-10-2012, 01:58 AM

Devon might have stayed unmoved for ages but the crashing of limbs soon caught her assassin honed senses. She briefly paused at the mental changes, frowning at them. She had always lived her life as she had wanted, even went she had been beaten as a man for cross dressing and turning on the wrong man who then had to reassert his gender identity by hurting her. To have her body messed with didn't bother her but the fact her mind had changed somewhat....did. Still, she forced the now very real and sharp blade into the scabbard on her thigh before she started to creep forward towards the sound.

"you okay?" she asked after making a few quick observations and calculations. The other girl looked rather confused and clearly could not fly well. In all likelihood she was not all that use to her wings and so she was likely like devon. Someone who had been human only moments before but was now something else entirely. What the other girl was had Devi a little uncertain but not too worried.